Governance Documents

Donaldson is committed to applying uniformly high standards of ethics and business conduct wherever we do business. Our longstanding commitment to sound corporate governance and integrity is a key part of our success. Our Board of Directors oversees Donaldson's governance practices for the benefit of its stockholders and has adopted Corporate Governance Guidelines to reflect these sound practices. These guidelines include that a significant majority of Donaldson's directors will meet the criteria for independence required by the New York Stock Exchange.

You can access information related to our corporate governance using the links below.

Donaldson Company, Inc. Corporate Governance Guidelines

Code of Conduct and Business Conduct Help Line

Communications with our Board of Directors

The Company’s Business Conduct Help Line is in place for our Employees and others to direct their concerns to the Audit Committee, on a confidential and anonymous basis, regarding accounting, internal accounting controls, and auditing matters.

In addition, we have adopted procedures for our Stockholders, Employees, and other interested parties to communicate directly with the members of the Board of Directors. You can communicate by writing to the Chair of the Audit Committee, the Chair of the Corporate Governance Committee, the independent Directors as a group, or the full Board, in the care of the office of the Company Secretary, Donaldson Company, Inc., MS 101, P.O. Box 1299, Minneapolis, MN 55440-1299.

Written communications about accounting, internal accounting controls, and auditing matters should be addressed to the Chair of the Audit Committee. Please indicate if you would like your communication to be kept confidential from management.

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Audit Committee Charter

Corporate Governance Committee Charter

Human Resources Committee Charter

Corporate Social Responsibility Report

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